Minutes Archive

Annual Meeting Minutes, Nov 6 2023

Click here to download the PDF: Nov 6 2023 FRG Meeting Minutes

Fox Run Green Community Meeting Minutes January 11, 2016


Present:   Larry Greenberg, Salo Korn, Gayle Lubahn, Cheri Nelson, Paul Savine, Larry Shell, John VanDerAue, Directors


Absent:    Mike Morrow, Brad Mann, Directors


Present:  Barb Manual, IPM Management Company





About twenty homeowners, in addition to directors, braved the cold weather to attend.  Most homeowners were present to complain about insufficient snow and ice removal in the sub.  They reported unsafe walking and driving conditions, and of “skating rinks” outside their homes.  Much discussion ensued.  It became clear that most homeowners wanted roads to be clean and clear after snowfalls. The board promised to discuss these problems with our snow removal company, and to provide service to homeowner wishes in the future.



*  Covenants rewrite:  Mike reported that the proposed rewrite should be available for director review by July, 2016.  The committee expects that the final product should be simpler and easier to read.


*  Paths renovation:  Larry S. reported that the preferred material – crushed limestone – will be laid at path entrances only.  Some greater path delineation, possibly mowing, will highlight the rest of the pathways.  This project will be a capital improvement.


*  Lighting at Walnut and Beauchamp roads:  Salo spoke about illumination possibilities upgraded for safety purposes, impacting both sub residents and visitors.  He spoke of both reducing light pollution in favor of nearby homeowners and a downward facing decorative light making the oneway entrance/exits easier to see.  He will investigate pricing for decorative lighting.


*  Playground/pavilion structures:  Cheri and Paul discussed future playground and pavilion possibilities with West Bloomfield park managers, and plan to entertain one provider at our park site later in January.


*  Welcome packet:  Gayle discussed a future Welcome Packet, to be given to new homeowners and renters.  This packet will be engaging, helpful, and may contain a map of the sub and coupons from local businesses.


*  Lower Beauchamp and Kingsfield islands renovation:  John requested ideas from homeowners, and gave a broad outline for improvements, including removal of old and dead trees and shrubs, and additions of more colorful landscaping.

EXECUTIVE MEETING, November 03, 2015


Host:  John Vanderaue


Directors Present:  Larry Greenberg, Salo Korn, Gayle Lubahn, Brad Mann, Mike Morrow, Cheri Nelson, Paul Savine, Larry Shell, John Vanderaue

Directors Absent:  0

Also Present:  Barb Manual, IPM Management Company




All directors introduced themselves, with basic background, skill sets, and one board achievement each would like to see accomplished this year.


The Board Conduct Document presented from three prior years was replaced with an Ethics Document signed by all present.


IPM presented a past dues case.  Barb agreed to send a final notice before escalating legal actions.


It was decided that with so little time and cost invested in new covenants, more time was needed to present a final document to homeowners.  The Covenants Committee will meet at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at Cheri’s house.  All directors are invited to participate.  Mike agreed to chair this committee.


HOA OFFICERS were elected for the 2015/16 year:


President:  John Vanderaue

Treasurer:  Gayle Lubahn

Secretary:  Cheri Nelson


Web site and Internet Coordinator:  Mike Morrow


Future meetings were discussed, with a majority agreement that six scheduled executive meetings and six scheduled FRG community meetings, in alternating months, will take place.  These will probably be on weekdays (Tue. preferred) in the first or second weekday of the month.


The first scheduled FRG Community  meeting is now determined to be Monday, January 11 at the Parks and Recreation Building in the West Bloomfield Civic Center Com


Future meetings are now scheduled for second Mondays of each month.  Historically, meetings are not scheduled for July and December.  This will be determined at a later date.

September 15, 2013 Meeting held at Matthews Home at 5400 Hammersmith.

Board members present Cathy, Mark, Jay, Brad, John, Mustansir, Cheri and Shannon

Barb from IPM Management was also present.

Closed Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

August meeting minutes approved

Announced completion of new web site at www.foxrungreen.com and sending out postcard notification to homeowners. Post card will announce the website and reminder on annual meeting on October 8 th.

Approved work to be done by Lacoure Brothers, Inc on Walnut Lake Road Common area to fill in woodchuck/groundhog holes, level the sunken areas and hydroseed. This was a confirmation to an email vote earlier in September.

Next meeting will be the annual meeting on October 8, 2013 and the new board will decide on future meeting dates.

Treasurer’s Report was received with emphasis on collections efforts. Most of the delinquent owners have either paid or entered into a payment plan and consent judgment. The number of owners who have not made arrangements to bring their accounts current are at a low for more than a decade. Also began discussion of the 2013-2014 Budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Treasurer will update based on board’s suggestions and circulate a draft for further discussion.

Front Entrance Update was discussed. Project is still in the information gathering stage, but will include a new sign, plantings and lighting. Solar lighting quote received.

Fireworks – Homeowner request to ask other homeowners to shoot off aerial fireworks in the park instead of over neighbors’ houses. Park is closed at dusk with two signs posted stating that fact. Board member living next to park stated that fireworks are shot off in the park anyway. While the Board is sympathetic to the homeowner’s request, we are also concerned about liability and are unable to encourage fireworks in the park.

Closed meeting ended at 8:30.

Open meeting called to order at 8:30 PM

Homeowners attended the meeting and we discussed:

Homeowner Larry Shell presented a traffic proposal for the subdivision. Board supported his efforts with the Oakland County Road Commission and he will report back after he meets with them. The new board should discuss this further at their November meeting. Noted that speeding on subdivision roada near school bus stops is a problem.

Stated that Board passed a motion and voted to hire Access Computer Technology to redo and update subdivision web site at the August meeting and informed attendees that web site is now completed at www.foxrungreen.com.

Stated that the Board passed a motion and approved work to be done by Lacoure Brothers, Inc on Walnut Lake Road Common area to fill in woodchuck/groundhog holes, level the sunken areas and hydroseed. This work is expected to be completed this month week.

Discussed letter sent to all homeowners last week regarding common areas.

Homeowners and board members had a lengthy conversation about encroachment, tree cutting into common areas. Discussed having a site survey done on common area homes with potential common area markings from signs, boulders, walk path and Bronze Concrete Survey Markers from Berntsen. Once again no decisions have been made and topic will be discussed at Annual Meeting.

Restated that the Annual meeting will be October 8 at 7:00 PM at West Bloomfield Parks and Rec building and the building closes at 9:00 PM.

Open Meeting ended at 9:40 PM

August 18, 2013 Meeting

Fox Run Green Board Meeting Minutes for August 18, 2013 Meeting held at Parish Home

Board members present Cathy, Mark, Jay, Brad, Jay, John and Mustansir

Board members absent:  Cheri and Shannon

Barb from IPM Management was also present.

Open Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Several homeowners attended the meeting and we discussed:

Several homeowners and board members had a lengthy conversation about encroachment, tree cutting into common areas.  Discussed having a site survey done on common area homes with potential common area markings from signs, boulders and walk path.

Discussed we are all working from original bylaws from when the sub was built.

A rep from Fast Signs Farmington Hills presented info on replacing/upgrading entry signs on Walnut Lake Road entrance.

Closed meeting called to order at 8:30 PM

Minutes for 7/23/13 approved

Board passed a motion to elect Jay Lewis as Secretary

Board passed a motion and voted to hire Makower Abbate PLLC to redo the 7 bylaws down to one.

Board passed a motion and voted to hire Access Computer Technology to redo and update subdivision web site.

Next meeting is at 8:30 PM at on 9/15 5400 Hammersmith Road

Annual meeting will be in October 8 at 7:00 PM at West Bloomfield Parks and Rec building

Meeting ended at 9:00 PM

July 23, 2013 Meeting

Fox Run Green Board Meeting Minutes for July 23, 2013 Meeting

Board members present and announced: Cathy, Mark, Jay, Brad, Cheri, Jay, Shannon

Board members present and not announced: Deepthi or absent: Mustansir and John

Barb from IPM was present

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Several homeowners attended the meeting and we discussed:

Jason Miller from Access Computer presented a proposal to redo the Fox Run Green website. Two homeowners Ed Garston and Moses Friedman discussed 2nd option.

Several homeowners and board members had a lengthy conversation about encroachment, tree cutting into common areas. Discussed having a site survey done on common area homes with potential common area markings from signs, boulders and walk path.

Discussed common area lawn cutting service from Jason. Board stated that homeowners need to contact IPM when they have issues with the common area. They should not be making direct request to Jasons.

Discussed putting in a dusk to dawn light in the park area.

Discussed replacing the 2 signs at entrance to the sub at Walnut Lake Road and Beauchamp.

No decision or votes made.

Next meeting is August 18

Annual meeting will be in October. Date to be announced.